
News from Access Reality Truth

Brandon Alexander Adams

Brandon Alexander Adams

The two former guiding lights of Creditors in Commerce are now fallen stars, having been convicted and sentenced to hard time in a federal penitentiary.

On June 15th, 2015, Brandon Alexander Adams received a 40-month prison sentence.  The following day, Gordon Leroy Hall was hammered with a even stiffer term of eight years.

February 4th, 2014, Adams and Hall were indicted on four counts of “attempting to produce fictitious instruments purporting to be actual securities issued under the authority of The United States.”

An additional fifth count was attached to Gordon Hall, a convicted felon, for knowingly possessing firearms.

The Taxman Cometh

Attorneys for the United States allege that towards the end of January 2014, Adams and Hall produced two documents, one for $868,397.60 and the other for $635,176.26, in an attempt to help Hall pay off his alleged debts to the IRS.

On February 7th, 2014 arrest warrants were issued and Adams was taken into custody that very day in New Mexico.  More than two months transpired before Hall was arrested and booked in Spartanburg County, South Carolina on April 28th.

When Push Came To Shove

Despite having given advice to the patrons of his seminars to avoid using a lawyer and to plead guilty when charged by government courts, Adams pled Not Guilty and there is no record of Adams attempting to avoid using a lawyer.

The court record reveals that Adams filed a financial statement and was furnished with a court-appointed attorney. On the other hand, Hall clearly waived his right to court-appointed counsel (and this is where the government narration begins to get shady).  Almost immediately upon Hall setting out to defend himself, attorneys for the United States filed a motion for a Faretta Hearing.

Brandon AWhy We Avoid Lawyers

Gordon Leroy Hall

An advantage for a defendant with a legal education and experience in law is that many motions and arguments which could effectively win your case or a dismissal of the charges will not and cannot be argued by an appointed counsel.

Attorneys are very conservative and operate within a narrow range of acceptable legal argument or face sanctions by the court.

Lawyers have a vested interest, whether they be prosecutors, judges or defense counsel, in maintaining de minimus standards and procedures that benefit the criminal justice system, often at the expense of the defendant.

Feds Stack The Deck

Although Hall had the right idea in moving to litigate his own case; unfortunately, he couldn’t avoid the federal attorneys, nor their trap, nor the fact that the judge was a former lawyer.  Under the ruse of a Faretta Hearing, the Federal Court ruled that Hall “failed to demonstrate a knowing and intelligent waiver of his right to counsel” and compelled him to be represented by a court-appointed attorney.  In other words, they intentionally stacked the deck against him.

During the next six months, Hall made several attempts to have his court-appointed counsel removed so that he could proceed on his own.  But each effort was denied by the court.  Burdened with the weight of his federally appointed attorney, Hall proceeded into a jury trial and – not surprisingly – was found guilty.

Different Strokes

Adams accepted a plea bargain

Adams pursued a different path.  On January 13th, 2015 he accepted a plea bargain and never went to trial.  Apparently, the court waited for Hall’s trial to conclude and then sentenced the two of them back to back.

Hall is currently in prison and has filed an appeal.  An additional filing was blocked on the premise that Hall is represented by counsel and therefore is not allowed to file anything on his own.

Adams is scheduled to self-surrender by no later than Monday, August 17, 2015, at 12:00 p.m. to begin serving his sentence. The hearings and trials took place at Sandra Day O’Connor U.S. Courthouse in Phoenix, Arizona.


As was mentioned earlier, Adams and Hall wound up on the short end of the stick in an attempt to help Hall pay off his alleged debts to the IRS.

Kick The IRS In The Balls . . .

Since this article was written, I have requested that the IRS send a copy of my MASTER FILE to me.  (Look up “IRS Master File” online). Guess what happened?  They sent a bogus response citing some obscure code, claiming they didn’t have to send my file to me.

Now right there, if you’ve got half a brain, you would become suspicious. Consider all of the ubiquitous tax forms floating around your local library and a myriad of other places. Since when does the government avoid inundating your life with paperwork?

You’ve Been Deliberately Misidentified

Unlike the millions of drubs who would have sat on their ass and done nothing, I looked up the code the IRS sent and lo and behold, it didn’t even remotely correspond to their claim.

Do you know why the IRS won’t send your MASTER FILE to you?  The real reason, not their story . . .

Because there is no Constitutional authority for that agency.  So they are secretly deriving their authority through the ATF and in order to shoehorn you into their corrupt system, they have deliberately misidentified you as either a tobacco farmer, a gun runner or an alcohol distiller!

Now I’m not going to detail all of that out for you.  That’s research you’ll have to do on your own.  I will tell you, this claim has already been independently verified by Dean Clifford in Canada and David Williams in the United States.  Furthermore, my own experience of their refusal to send my file combined with the fact that their excuse was entirely bogus cements the allegation.

People who are truthful have nothing to hide.  Meanwhile, the IRS has refused to send my file to me.  You could understand some hesitation if I was asking them to send your file . . . but MY file? Hmmm.

They Were Underdeveloped

The point here is, Adams and Hall were underdeveloped.  No one who possesses solid expertise would have done what they did regarding the IRS.  There are far more sophisticated ways of dealing with the IRS that place the burden on the IRS instead of you.

How to Catch The IRS Lying . . .

If you’re in trouble with the IRS, request your Master File.  When they don’t send it, you’ve caught them in dishonor and acting in bad faith.  You’re not required to pay anyone (including the IRS) without proof of claim.  If they withhold your Master File, then they have no proof of claim against you.  If they tell you some other paperwork is their proof of claim, simply reply that you won’t believe a lick of what they’re claiming until you verify their claim against your Master File.

Back that up with the legal presumption that they have you listed under a fraudulent legal status.  If they cannot provide proof to the contrary, you have them for fraud.

Embrace Your Legal Person

Embrace your legal person

You have to pay taxes because you’re presumed to be:

Instead of resisting your legal person, enforce the fact that you’re only too happy to fill out their paperwork but you’re not willing to do it for free. That’s not employment, that’s involuntary servitude.

Send them your fee schedule.  $50,000 per hour for filling out their tax forms.  Plus there’s postage and, of course, the drive to the Post Office.  Be creative.  Tell them you’re not willing to extend them credit.  But you will be more than happy to fill out their tax forms, JUST AS SOON AS YOU’VE BEEN PAID.

Experience is the Greatest Teacher

What a difference a couple of years makes.  Adams and Hall had contract law nailed but they were missing key legal components and like a snake, it bit them.  Law is actually easy.  However, it has many ingredients and one has to be willing to search them out.  NEVER settle for just one source of information.

Study the failures like LeRoy Schweitzer, Winston Shrout, Adams and Hall.  Also study the wackos like David Wynn Miller and Russell Jay Gould.  To that I recommend the following: Mark Christopher, Dean Clifford and David Williams.

Mark Christopher’s longer lectures are worth watching.  He’s Miller and Gould distilled.  Dean Clifford embodies the necessary attitude for victory and must be included for that reason alone.  David Williams will open your eyes to International Law, which is included in the US Constitution and yet NO ONE ever mentions it.

You’ve Got to be Well-Rounded

When you have all of that under your belt and can come at the criminals from a national and international attack simultaneously, they’re screwed.  Adams and Hall taught some very useful principles.  If they had known more, they would have put the IRS on the spot instead of the other way around.  If you even remotely fear the IRS or any other “governmental” agency, then you simply haven’t learned enough.

It’s all fraud, folks.  Once you know enough, they’re entirely vulnerable.  So like George C. Scot says in the opening sequence of the movie “Patton”,  “Weigh into the enemy. Make him bleed!”  Gear up and put on your attitude.  You’ve got to be well-rounded and totally prepared to kick ass.  If you’re a one trick pony and fail to become seasoned, you will surely get your ass kicked.  Just ask Adams and Hall . . . .

The Most Important Element

You know, as I’m sitting here rewriting the “UPDATE” section, it occurs to me to tell you the real issue is your mindset . . .

For all of their hard work and courses given around the country, Adams and Hall maintained the mindset of slaves.  They wound up confronting prison because they came from the position of a slave.  They tried to satisfy the IRS.

A Master would come from the perspective of forcing the IRS to satisfy them.  A Master would place the IRS on the defensive and not the other way around.  Adams and Hall were faced with prison because their minds were already in prison.

The most important element of the legal game is identity.  Who you are when you emanate documents or enter the courtroom is more important than what you say or do.  Legal mastery does not occur because of what you’ve memorized.  It occurs because of what you’ve become.

Dare to Think Like A Master

Most everyone thinks like a slave.  It’s so common, it seems normal.  If you dare to think like a Master, be prepared to lose all of your friends and acquaintances.  David Williams and others wound up divorced.  If you have a job, prepare to be fired.

Slaves travel in groups.  Masters walk alone.  NOT because Masters want to walk alone.  But because it only takes a few minutes of talking to a slave before they start becoming defensive and irate.  Slaves defend their slavery wholeheartedly.  They’re highly emotional about it.  You can’t talk them out of it.  They WANT to be slaves.  The only sane and rational option is to walk away and leave them to their slavery. The universe has granted them free will and that’s how they’ve chosen to squander it.

I’m just now completing the phase where almost every conversation I have with someone starts off great, until they go into their slave shtick.  I’m on the verge of possessing enough self-discipline to simply smile and walk away.

One has to realize that the slaves are emotionally attached.  You cannot reach them with logic.  The slaves are losing in court because they’re losing in life. (Even the ones that appear to be highly successful).

I choose to be a Master.  It’s looking like a LOT more fun, once you get past the fruitless “missionary to the slaves” phase.

How about you? Do you dare to think like a Master?  You can’t win in court until you do. There will be no mistaking it. You will definitively know when you’ve finally achieved legal mastery.  On that very special day you will look all around you and the only one left standing . . . is you.

lexander Adams 

Posted on July 1, 2015 by SHAZER EVERQUAR

Fallen Upon Hard Times

Brandon Alexander Adams

The two former guiding lights of Creditors in Commerce are now fallen stars, having been convicted and sentenced to hard time in a federal penitentiary.

On June 15th, 2015, Brandon Alexander Adams received a 40-month prison sentence.  The following day, Gordon Leroy Hall was hammered with a even stiffer term of eight years.

February 4th, 2014, Adams and Hall were indicted on four counts of “attempting to produce fictitious instruments purporting to be actual securities issued under the authority of The United States.”

An additional fifth count was attached to Gordon Hall, a convicted felon, for knowingly possessing firearms.

The Taxman Cometh

Attorneys for the United States allege that towards the end of January 2014, Adams and Hall produced two documents, one for $868,397.60 and the other for $635,176.26, in an attempt to help Hall pay off his alleged debts to the IRS.

On February 7th, 2014 arrest warrants were issued and Adams was taken into custody that very day in New Mexico.  More than two months transpired before Hall was arrested and booked in Spartanburg County, South Carolina on April 28th.

When Push Came To Shove

Despite having given advice to the patrons of his seminars to avoid using a lawyer and to plead guilty when charged by government courts, Adams pled Not Guilty and there is no record of Adams attempting to avoid using a lawyer.

The court record reveals that Adams filed a financial statement and was furnished with a court-appointed attorney. On the other hand, Hall clearly waived his right to court-appointed counsel (and this is where the government narration begins to get shady).  Almost immediately upon Hall setting out to defend himself, attorneys for the United States filed a motion for a Faretta Hearing.

Why We Avoid Lawyers

Gordon Leroy Hall

An advantage for a defendant with a legal education and experience in law is that many motions and arguments which could effectively win your case or a dismissal of the charges will not and cannot be argued by an appointed counsel.

Attorneys are very conservative and operate within a narrow range of acceptable legal argument or face sanctions by the court.

Lawyers have a vested interest, whether they be prosecutors, judges or defense counsel, in maintaining de minimus standards and procedures that benefit the criminal justice system, often at the expense of the defendant.

Feds Stack The Deck

Although Hall had the right idea in moving to litigate his own case; unfortunately, he couldn’t avoid the federal attorneys, nor their trap, nor the fact that the judge was a former lawyer.  Under the ruse of a Faretta Hearing, the Federal Court ruled that Hall “failed to demonstrate a knowing and intelligent waiver of his right to counsel” and compelled him to be represented by a court-appointed attorney.  In other words, they intentionally stacked the deck against him.

During the next six months, Hall made several attempts to have his court-appointed counsel removed so that he could proceed on his own.  But each effort was denied by the court.  Burdened with the weight of his federally appointed attorney, Hall proceeded into a jury trial and – not surprisingly – was found guilty.

Different Strokes

Adams accepted a plea bargain

Adams pursued a different path.  On January 13th, 2015 he accepted a plea bargain and never went to trial.  Apparently, the court waited for Hall’s trial to conclude and then sentenced the two of them back to back.

Hall is currently in prison and has filed an appeal.  An additional filing was blocked on the premise that Hall is represented by counsel and therefore is not allowed to file anything on his own.

Adams is scheduled to self-surrender by no later than Monday, August 17, 2015, at 12:00 p.m. to begin serving his sentence. The hearings and trials took place at Sandra Day O’Connor U.S. Courthouse in Phoenix, Arizona.


As was mentioned earlier, Adams and Hall wound up on the short end of the stick in an attempt to help Hall pay off his alleged debts to the IRS.

Kick The IRS In The Balls . . .

Since this article was written, I have requested that the IRS send a copy of my MASTER FILE to me.  (Look up “IRS Master File” online). Guess what happened?  They sent a bogus response citing some obscure code, claiming they didn’t have to send my file to me.

Now right there, if you’ve got half a brain, you would become suspicious. Consider all of the ubiquitous tax forms floating around your local library and a myriad of other places. Since when does the government avoid inundating your life with paperwork?

You’ve Been Deliberately Misidentified

Unlike the millions of drubs who would have sat on their ass and done nothing, I looked up the code the IRS sent and lo and behold, it didn’t even remotely correspond to their claim.

Do you know why the IRS won’t send your MASTER FILE to you?  The real reason, not their story . . .

Because there is no Constitutional authority for that agency.  So they are secretly deriving their authority through the ATF and in order to shoehorn you into their corrupt system, they have deliberately misidentified you as either a tobacco farmer, a gun runner or an alcohol distiller!

Now I’m not going to detail all of that out for you.  That’s research you’ll have to do on your own.  I will tell you, this claim has already been independently verified by Dean Clifford in Canada and David Williams in the United States.  Furthermore, my own experience of their refusal to send my file combined with the fact that their excuse was entirely bogus cements the allegation.

People who are truthful have nothing to hide.  Meanwhile, the IRS has refused to send my file to me.  You could understand some hesitation if I was asking them to send your file . . . but MY file? Hmmm.

They Were Underdeveloped

The point here is, Adams and Hall were underdeveloped.  No one who possesses solid expertise would have done what they did regarding the IRS.  There are far more sophisticated ways of dealing with the IRS that place the burden on the IRS instead of you.

How to Catch The IRS Lying . . .

If you’re in trouble with the IRS, request your Master File.  When they don’t send it, you’ve caught them in dishonor and acting in bad faith.  You’re not required to pay anyone (including the IRS) without proof of claim.  If they withhold your Master File, then they have no proof of claim against you.  If they tell you some other paperwork is their proof of claim, simply reply that you won’t believe a lick of what they’re claiming until you verify their claim against your Master File.

Back that up with the legal presumption that they have you listed under a fraudulent legal status.  If they cannot provide proof to the contrary, you have them for fraud.

Embrace Your Legal Person

Embrace your legal person

You have to pay taxes because you’re presumed to be:

Instead of resisting your legal person, enforce the fact that you’re only too happy to fill out their paperwork but you’re not willing to do it for free. That’s not employment, that’s involuntary servitude.

Send them your fee schedule.  $50,000 per hour for filling out their tax forms.  Plus there’s postage and, of course, the drive to the Post Office.  Be creative.  Tell them you’re not willing to extend them credit.  But you will be more than happy to fill out their tax forms, JUST AS SOON AS YOU’VE BEEN PAID.

Experience is the Greatest Teacher

What a difference a couple of years makes.  Adams and Hall had contract law nailed but they were missing key legal components and like a snake, it bit them.  Law is actually easy.  However, it has many ingredients and one has to be willing to search them out.  NEVER settle for just one source of information.

Study the failures like LeRoy Schweitzer, Winston Shrout, Adams and Hall.  Also study the wackos like David Wynn Miller and Russell Jay Gould.  To that I recommend the following: Mark Christopher, Dean Clifford and David Williams.

Mark Christopher’s longer lectures are worth watching.  He’s Miller and Gould distilled.  Dean Clifford embodies the necessary attitude for victory and must be included for that reason alone.  David Williams will open your eyes to International Law, which is included in the US Constitution and yet NO ONE ever mentions it.

You’ve Got to be Well-Rounded

When you have all of that under your belt and can come at the criminals from a national and international attack simultaneously, they’re screwed.  Adams and Hall taught some very useful principles.  If they had known more, they would have put the IRS on the spot instead of the other way around.  If you even remotely fear the IRS or any other “governmental” agency, then you simply haven’t learned enough.

It’s all fraud, folks.  Once you know enough, they’re entirely vulnerable.  So like George C. Scot says in the opening sequence of the movie “Patton”,  “Weigh into the enemy. Make him bleed!”  Gear up and put on your attitude.  You’ve got to be well-rounded and totally prepared to kick ass.  If you’re a one trick pony and fail to become seasoned, you will surely get your ass kicked.  Just ask Adams and Hall . . . .

The Most Important Element

You know, as I’m sitting here rewriting the “UPDATE” section, it occurs to me to tell you the real issue is your mindset . . .

For all of their hard work and courses given around the country, Adams and Hall maintained the mindset of slaves.  They wound up confronting prison because they came from the position of a slave.  They tried to satisfy the IRS.

A Master would come from the perspective of forcing the IRS to satisfy them.  A Master would place the IRS on the defensive and not the other way around.  Adams and Hall were faced with prison because their minds were already in prison.

The most important element of the legal game is identity.  Who you are when you emanate documents or enter the courtroom is more important than what you say or do.  Legal mastery does not occur because of what you’ve memorized.  It occurs because of what you’ve become.

Dare to Think Like A Master

Most everyone thinks like a slave.  It’s so common, it seems normal.  If you dare to think like a Master, be prepared to lose all of your friends and acquaintances.  David Williams and others wound up divorced.  If you have a job, prepare to be fired.

Slaves travel in groups.  Masters walk alone.  NOT because Masters want to walk alone.  But because it only takes a few minutes of talking to a slave before they start becoming defensive and irate.  Slaves defend their slavery wholeheartedly.  They’re highly emotional about it.  You can’t talk them out of it.  They WANT to be slaves.  The only sane and rational option is to walk away and leave them to their slavery. The universe has granted them free will and that’s how they’ve chosen to squander it.

I’m just now completing the phase where almost every conversation I have with someone starts off great, until they go into their slave shtick.  I’m on the verge of possessing enough self-discipline to simply smile and walk away.

One has to realize that the slaves are emotionally attached.  You cannot reach them with logic.  The slaves are losing in court because they’re losing in life. (Even the ones that appear to be highly successful).

I choose to be a Master.  It’s looking like a LOT more fun, once you get past the fruitless “missionary to the slaves” phase.

How about you? Do you dare to think like a Master?  You can’t win in court until you do. There will be no mistaking it. You will definitively know when you’ve finally achieved legal mastery.  On that very special day you will look all around you and the only one left standing . . . is you.